The Irish People is the only newspaper of its kind published in the United States. The Irish People is published 50 weeks a year since 1971. A sixteen page political weekly, The Irish People gives up-to date, uncensored information pertaining to the war in northeast Ireland. It also keeps its readers abreast of events here in the United States aimed at combating the injustices carried out by the British forces of occupation.



Irish Language Lessons

Irish Lesson 79


When accented at the beginning of a word, the group "ai" may get any of three sounds. An (a) sound, as in English "hat," is one. Examples:

ainm (A-nim), name; ait (at), strange; aingeal (ANG-uhl), angel.

In an initial syllable, the "ai" can receive the (a) sound, too, if the letters "d, l, n, r, s, t" precede the "ai." Examples:

daingean (DANG-uhn), fortress

laige(LAG-e), weakness

naipcín (nap-KEEN), napkin

raic (rak), quarrel

saineolas (san-oh-luhs), expert knowledge

tais (tash), damp

If the letters "b, c, f, g, m, p" precede the "ai" in an initial syllable, the "ai" has an (ah) sound, which is actually a shortened (aw*) sound. Examples:

baile (BAHL-e), home

caisleán (kahsh-LAW*N), castle

faisean (FAHSH-uhn), fashion

gaineamh (GAHN-uhv), sand

maith (mah), good

pailm (PAHL-im), palm

If the "ai" is followed by "dh," "gh," "ll," "nt" or a few other letter combinations, it can receive an (eye) sound, as in English "my." Examples:

Taidhg (teyeg), a name (genitive case of "Tadhg")

maighdean (MEYE-duhn), maiden

aimsir (EYEM-sheer), season, weather

aill (eyel), cliff

caill (keyel), lose

caint (keyent), talk

saibhir (SEYE-vir), rich, also pronounced (SEV-ir)


We will now take a closer look at how Irish nouns change in the plural and possessive or genitive forms; in other words, how you change "table" to "tables" or "of the table."

These changes follow several general patterns, depending on the noun. On the basis of the patterns, nouns can be grouped into what are called declensions. There are five of these. Most of the nouns in ordinary use are in the first two declensions, but all five declensions include common words. We will start with the largest declension, the first.

All first-declension nouns are masculine, and all end in a broad consonant in the basic form. A broad consonant is one in which the nearest vowel is "a," "o," or "u." Examples: bord, mac, úll (ool).

For "the son's shoe," the Irish is "bróg an mhic" (brohg uh vik). For "the head of the table," the Irish is "ceann an bhoird" (kyoun uh vwird).

after the "an," meaning "of the," an initial consonant is usually aspirated.

The word in the possessive or genitive comes after what is owned or is part of the other. Therefore, when forming your thoughts in Irish, remember to change phrases such as "the son's shoe" to "shoe of the son" in Irish.

Read these examples to familiarize yourself with this form:

madra an fhir (MAH-druh uhn IR), dog of the man, the man's dog

dath an bháid (dah uh VWAW*-id), color of the boat, the boat's color

ainm an chait (AN-im uh K*IT), name of the cat, the cat's name

barr an chnoic (bahr uh K*NIK), top of the hill, the hilltop

praghas an leabhair (preyes uh LOU-wir), price of the book, the book's price

You can leave out the "the," as in "a horse's head" or "head of a horse." In Irish, this is "ceann capaill" (kyoun KAH-pil). Notice that the word "capaill," meaning "of a horse," does not have its first consonant aspirated in this form, where the phrase indicates part of a person, animal, or thing.

Another example is "lámh fir" (law*v FIR), hand of a man, a man's hand. There are other rules determining when you should aspirate the first consonant of the second word when the "an" is omitted. We will learn these rules gradually. In the meantime, do not worry about this. Aspirate the first consonant or not, as you wish, until you learn the rules for this.


Practice with these words and phrases, repeating them until you can say them quickly.

bád, an bád, fear an bháid (baw*d, un BAW*D), far uh VWAW*-id); boat, the boat, the boatman

cat, an cat, ceann an chait (kaht, un KAHT, kyoun uh K*IT), cat, the cat, the cat's head

leabhar, an leabhar, clúdach an leabhair (LOU-wuhr, un LOU-wuhr, KLOO-dahk* uh LOU-wir); book, the book, the book's cover

post, an post, fear an phoist (pohst, un pohst, far uh FWISHT); mail, the mail, the mailman

Two of the many common and useful Irish expressions involving the genitive case are:

fear an tí (far uh tee), man of the house, householder, or even master of ceremonies at an entertainment

bean an tí (ban uh tee), woman of the house, housewife

In these two expressions, the word "tí" is the genitive of "teach" (tahk*), house. "A householder" is "fear tí," and a housewife is "bean tí." Notice that the "t" in "tí" is not aspirated in "fear an tí." This is also the case with "d" as initial letter; a common Irish expression to help you remember this is:

deoch an dorais (dyohk* uh DUH-rish), drink at the door, for which the English equivalent is "stirrup cup," a last drink taken before starting on the road -- "one for the road."

Notice that the usual pronunciation in this genitive form slurs the "n" in "an." The "n" is sounded, however, if the second word, in the genitive, starts with a vowel. Example: ceann an éin (kyoun un AY*-in), the bird's head.

(c) 1999 The Irish People. May be reprinted with credit.

Irish Lesson 80

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